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As Fires Blaze, Maintain Vehicle Cabin Air Quality for Your Health

As fires ravage the West, the flames are not the only risk to life and health. With the amount of dense smoke filling the air from Oregon down to Southern California and as far east as Michigan, we sometimes forget the intense hazards caused by poor air quality. If you can smell smoke from the fires, your vehicle cabin air filters and evaporator core have been affected. 

Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke

The smoke released from wildfires is a complex mixture of fine particle matter, gasses, and volatile organic compounds. Wildfire smoke is responsible for periods of the worst air quality experienced in the US. 

Wildfire smoke has the following effects:
  • Limits the amount of oxygen entering your blood
  • Irritates your respiratory system
  • Causes eye irritation, shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing
  • Increases risk of pneumonia

Reducing exposure to wildfire smoke both in your home and vehicle is advisable in order to protect your health. 

What Are Vehicle Cabin Air Filters?

Cabin air filters are your vehicle’s first line of defense against air contaminants that diminish cabin air quality. They are responsible for cleaning the air entering the vehicle’s cabin. They function as a trap for pollen, bacteria, dust, and any other contaminants found in the air. 

Any time your area has been impacted by wildfires, it is recommended that your cabin air filters be replaced. Cabin air filters should not be cleaned and reinstalled. They should be replaced every 12,000 to 15,000 miles in areas with normal air quality and much more frequently in areas experiencing heavy smoke or pollen. MOC Products recommends ISOAIRE cabin filters that meet or exceed OEM specifications. 

What Is AC Evaporator Core Service?

Your vehicle’s evaporator core is also an important part of your vehicle’s ventilation system. Contaminants from wildfire smoke can easily collect on the damp surfaces of the evaporator core. This can be harmful both to you and to your vehicle, as reduced airflow can cause issues. MOC Products has developed a variety of cleaners and disinfectants that cleans and deodorizes the HVAC system in your vehicle. 

Foam Injection

Deposits that build upon the evaporator core are removed by a foaming cleanser that is injected into the housing. The system is cleaned and odors are eliminated. 

Fog Injection

In vehicles where the interior surfaces and vents have been affected by wildfire smoke, a dense fogging agent is injected into the interior. The fog permeates all surfaces and interior vents to remove contaminants and their odors. 

To learn more about how to restore your vehicle’s ventilation system after exposure to wildfire smoke, watch this brief video.

Staying safe from the threats of wildfires includes improving air quality in any way available. If you are in the proximity of wildfires and have experienced a decrease in air quality from wildfire smoke, schedule cabin filter replacement, and evaporator core service with your local MOC Products service center today.


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Moc Products Company
+1 818 794-3500 12306 Montague Street. Pacoima CA 91331