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How to Address Vehicle Micro Scratches

How to Address Vehicle Micro Scratches

Car washing and detailing is a popular sunny day pastime for vehicle owners. Everyone loves a super shiny luxury car cruising down the road. If you aren’t careful about which car wash you use and how your vehicle is cleaned, you could begin to notice dreaded micro scratches. 

What Are Micro Scratches?

For those who pride themselves on their perfect vehicle paint jobs, micro scratches are very noticeable. A smooth, pristine painted hood can quickly become a swirly, scratchy mess. Every touch received by the painted surface of your vehicle can create additional micro scratches. The scratches may not be immediately visible, but as soon as the sun hits your vehicle from a certain angle, they appear. 


Clear-coat is the top layer of factory vehicle paint that has been used since the 1990s. First, the base coat paint is applied and then followed up with a layer of clear-coat. The purpose of clear-coat is to protect from UV rays and chips. Clear-coat also creates a deeper shine. Unfortunately, clear-coat is also more prone to micro scratches. Micro scratches are not simply a visual issue. As the vehicle is weathered, the micro scratches can continue to dull and cause the clear-coat to eventually fail. If left unaddressed, the vehicle may require complete repainting.

What Causes Micro Scratches?

Most vehicle owners blame car washes for their swirl marks. Car wash equipment that is not regularly cleaned or maintained will cause micro scratches. There are several other causes as well. The most common causes of micro scratches are:

  • Washing your vehicle before rinsing off the loose dirt and dust
  • “Dry dusting” a vehicle
  • Washing with a cloth or washcloth that is too abrasive
  • Using a detergent that isn’t designed for vehicle paint finishes
  • Waxing without proper prepping
  • Improper car washing techniques 

When customers come to you looking for solutions to their micro scratches, it is important to educate them about the many causes, so they can address the cause and prevent it in the future. 

How to Treat Micro Scratches

It is possible to remove micro scratches. It is recommended that vehicle owners rely on trained professionals with paint finish experience or the clear-coat may become even more damaged. Using too much heat, too much pressure, or improper or low-quality products can worsen the micro scratch situation. The MOC Products 2-Step Paint Restoration process is what we recommend for addressing micro scratches. 

Step 1: Correction

The Correction formula contains micro-abrasives and polishing agents that remove scratches, oxidation, and other defects from the vehicle paint. Use an MP Pro Series microfiber pad for best results. 

Step 2: Perfection

Perfection is a versatile finishing wax that polishes and protects. The result is a high-gloss finish that is free of swirls and micro scratches. Use an MP Pro Series microfiber pad for best results. 


For micro scratches that are less severe, rely on MOC Products Reflection to improve the appearance of swirl marks. The versatile all-in-one polish and protectant is formulated with advanced polishing agents designed to remove imperfections, including micro scratches. With Reflection, it only takes one step to be swirl-free.


When it comes to micro scratches, educating customers about how to prevent them is important. Fortunately, there are removal solutions when they do occur.


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Moc Products Company
+1 818 794-3500 12306 Montague Street. Pacoima CA 91331